Camel meat is best between all other meat in its validity
for those who want to diet or slimming diet and it is least harmful to the
heart due to the low percentage of fat in it compared with the other red meat. It
was found in laboratory studies that that red meat causes heart disease and
cancer because they contain a substance called "New CG" that attacks
the living natural cells and kills them, and so far we doctors don't know why?
The study revealed a comparison between camel and other meat
from sheep and goats…etc. specialists
says that It is advisable to eat camel meat to those who apply the slimming
diet food, and they have linoleic acid which reduces the level of cholesterol
in the blood. It was found that there is a clear correlation between the
infection of these diseases and increasing the intake of saturated fatty acids
in the fat of beef and buffalo, sheep and goats. And as different scientific
tests proved that the essential amino
acids in camel meat is higher than in the lamb meat and white meat, while the
superiority of goats on camel meat in the content of these amino acid, while
the proportion of fibrous proteins is between 11.48 and 11.93 per cent in the
muscles of different sentences, while the rate reaches in the connective tissue
to about 2.15 per cent and the
proportion of total protein reached a 22.64 per cent in the camel average,
which confirms that eating a piece weighing one hundred grams give the body
everything it needs from animal protein per day which is similar to eating eggs
and various kinds of cheese.
Doctors says it is useful to add lemon juice to it to
increase the rates of absorption of iron and reduce the absorption of some fat and noted to the importance of eating camel meat with
fresh vegetables and green salads or with parsley. The camel meat is generally
an excellent source of vitamins soluble in water, but a very poor source of
vitamin G, as well as vitamins A, D and K that are found mainly in body fat.