Saudi Arabia is number 1 in traffic accidents

Studies shows that the rate of deaths in road accidents in Saudi Arabia is estimated by more than 68 thousand per year, i.e. 17 people a day, costing the state more than 13 billion riyals in the year. And with this rate; Saudi Arabia occupies first place worldwide in the number of road accidents.

The number of victims of accidents in Saudi Arabia, which exceeded the number of victims of the war in India,  Argentina, Pakistan, the Gulf War and Nepal combined which totaled 82 thousand people victims. The reports say the number of victims in one of the years reached 7153 people exceeding the number of victims of the Gulf War, which amounted to only 5,200 people. Stressing that it is on the rise and is expected to arrive in 2019 to 9600 people a year.

Some traffic specialists assured that research has shown that most accidents occur because of speed, in addition to running the red signs and using of vehicles in drifting, pointing out that the rise in injuries depletes health efforts and increases the bed problems in hospitals.

Some traffic specialists pointed that the department of traffic is preparing number of lectures, awareness and educational seminars about traffic safety in schools and some other sectors.
