Hair removals and the disadvantages you didn't know

Hair removal usually begins in adolescence and continue through women's life-- there are various ways to remove body hair, and because of the progress of technology new ways have been discovered including the use of laser, hair removal creams, hair shaving, and each method has its down and its falls.

And here is the famous methods and it's disadvantages:
1. Bleaching: The method hides the hair by using bleaching chemicals, which is a useful way to places which thin hair as it hides the hair.

• Noticeable in of high hair density case.
• Exposure to those chemicals for long time can weaken your hair, and make it more susceptible to breaking.
• Sensitivity to chemicals, as can lead to some burns.

2. Shaving : Shaving of temporary ways, which remove hair, but does remove hair from the root. When shaving the shaved hair can be seen clearly.

Does shaving affect the growth and density of hair? Although there's a myth that shaving increases the density of the hair and make it more rough, but the dermatologist Bruce Cutter has a different opinion as he proved that shaving does not increase the density of hair, and other researchers also proved that shaving does not affect hair growth.

• Growth of hair to the inside as a result of wrapping the hair around the follicle.
• Itching.
• Appearance of certain infections.

To avoid problems with shaving:

• Make sure the hair is wet before shaving
• Shave in the direction of excessive hair growth.
• Do not tighten skin while shaving.

3. Plucking : is an effective way to remove hair from the root using tweezers.

• Takes a lot of time.
• Works in places which have little hair.
• Hair must be long so it can easily be removed by tweezers.

4. Waxing: Despite the fact that the wax is used since ancient times in various works, but the use of wax increased in the recent times, since it's widely-used almost in every beauty salon in the world. This is how it works, they put wax in the machine to make it to a semi-liquid status, then they put it on the skin , and are removed in opposite to hair growth direction. Wax's most important feature that it can be used in different areas of the body such as the face, bikini region, and other parts of the body.

• After using wax pores remain open for a period making them susceptible to germs. • Redness, and irritation of the skin.
• Itching.

5. Chemical depilatories: Which analyses proteins found hair follicle, just like shaving but do not affect the growth of hair, leave it on the desired area 3 to 15 minutes until it removes the Hair.

• the speed of hair growth will increase so it should be used at least once a week.
• Skin irritation and redness.
• Not to be used in facial area, or bikini region.

6. laser: the use of laser has spread widely specially in hair removal field , as 6-7 laser sessions can eliminate the hair permanently, it is recommended for white women, as some studies proven that the laser doesn't work perfectly on darker skin.

• Darken the skin.
• Scarring.
• Skin burns.
• Not to be used for women with dark skin.
• Doesn't affect white hair.

7. Electrolysis: by inserting a thin needle into the hair follicle, and pass an electric current inside and removes hair permanently.

• Shave the hair before conducting electrolytic decomposition by 3 days.
• Require from 12 to 18 months of treatment.
• Infection.
• Hyperpigmentation.
• Scarring.

8. Vaniqa also known as Eflornithine: Chemicals works to prevent enzymes stimulate hair growth, it's not considered hair remover, but it's preferred to be used with other hair removal methods such as laser.

• The high cost.
• Do not give the results on its own, but must be used along with other hair removal methods.
• You must use it in regular bases from 6 to 8 weeks.

9. Hormone therapy: and it used for women who suffer from certain diseases such as PCOS. Or any treatment includes pill, or anti-androgens.
