How to lose weight without a strict diet?

Do you want to lose weight? You want to keep in fit and afraid of all over-weight problems for diabetes, heart problems to high blood pressure, and you're sick of all the articles taking about strange diets, strict painful exercise! What if I told you can lose weight without strict diet? This is the dream, right? Here's a few tips to lose weight with-out any diet or any kinds of medications!

1. More sleep, less weight, that’s right! the number of extra hours you sleep per day would reduce your weight by about 7 kg per year, according to the research of the University of Michigan that sleep reduces the rate of calories by 6% and the more you sleep the less you eat!

2. Simple activities, is a simple activities helps you to burn more than 100 calories a day, like walking for 20 minutes a day or jogging for 12 minutes also excercyclying for 15 minutes.

3. Timing your meals, savoring every bite of food and eating your meal at a slow rate of 20 minutes, is considered one of the best habits that will help reduce weight.

4. Old clothes where you were less-fat someday , a small dress number you wish to wear someday, hang it and take a look at it before having any meal.

5. Eating at home, having a home-made meals at least for five days a week help you reduce the calories because fast food contains a lot of fat and huge amounts of calories.

6. Smaller plates, having meals in smaller dishes full of food gives you the illusion that the food in the plate is too much so you will feel replete after finishing the dish right away, because smaller plates always do the trick.

7. Stop for a few minutes, stopping for few minutes while eating helps you eat less, so don't stop this habit, Enjoy the food talk!

8. Long thick glass... high-cups and long thick glass instead of the wide short ones will make reduce you drinking for sugary drinks and soda by 30%!

9. Vegetables, before dinner it is advised to drink lemon juice, and three types of vegetables or also eat fruits before dinner because of the fiber and the fabric and water make humans feel satiety and this helps reducing the amount of food they eat.

10. Reduce Sugar, studies shows that Replace sugary drinks such as soda with water and natural juices saves 10 sugar units which means burning more than 450 calories which equals 1 kilogram per month.

11. Soup, we recommend before and during lunch eating low-salt vegetable soup because it make you lose of your appetite, so you eat less which mean lower rate of calories. 

12. Chewing gum, Yeah, chewing a no-sugar gum between meals will prevent you from eating between the meals and drinking fuzzy and soda drinks and other sugary drinks between the meals.

13. Green tea, many studies shows that green tea increases calorie burning and also is a healthy drink.
