When will the Medical errors in Saudi Arabia disappear?!

Anesthesia  mistakes led to the death of a dental consultant Dr. Tariq al-Juhani in a hospital in Jeddah, bringing up the medical errors to the light. And this case’s aftermath  between The Juhani’s and hospital officials as  this case  is considered one of more than 2,500 deaths annually as a result of a medical error.

Despite the lack of accurate statistics considering  the number of people affected from the mistakes of doctors, however, the Undersecretary of the Ministry for Health Planning and Development, Dr. Mohammed Khoshaim, revealed in his  press statement, that "The total sum of medical errors reached 670 cases in 2009, while the total number of decisions issued by the condemnation 51, through 18 Legal health Institute."

It is confirmed  that medical errors taking place in Saudi hospitals are much greater than the official statistics issued by the Ministry of Health, as many of the cases where there is a medical error is not recorded or filed by the families of the affected  patients.
The Dr. Mohammed al-Khazen, the associate dean in the Applied Medical Sciences College at King Saud Health University, that the problem lies in the lack of accurate oversight and monitoring of the medical errors that occur.

He says that "the bulk of the problem is due to the many errors  that are not monitored, due to the lack of control over the doctors." He continues: "In a study in one of the large medical hospitals turns out that only 41% of doctors are committed to identifying the patient's pain is accurate, and that only 32% of patient files is achieved well, and that most doctors do not write when did the patient enter the hospital or the disease he suffered from, or the procedures that were carried on him, not even correcting typing errors!"

And continues: "We have a bad system. More doctors do mistakes and the doctors who are hired from the outside their potential is limited and don’t even know the existing drugs in the country."
Al-Khazen who co-authored the book "The Saudi health scene" issued a few weeks ago accuses the medical system in Saudi Arabia being  vague and imprecise. He said, "There is no follow-up, and our systems are not good. Officials say that even America's the advanced medical country witnesses errors, but they determine the error caused it. While we can’t know the culprit, because we have no system is able to detect these errors. Often mistakes are made in diagnosis and treatment. And always they  choose a doctor or another to be a scapegoat because we do not have the accuracy in determining the responsibility. "

Al-Khazen demands the existence of strict and accurate medical system, and can detect error without  the need of a complaint, with the version of the legislation that makes the punishment imposed on the doctor's fault largest.

He also says: "I do not have to wait until the patient progresses a complaint. There must be follow-up and monitoring for each medical procedures that are taken." "but our monitoring system is too weak, and that the sanctions taken against the doctor who is at fault is weak, when the advisory fine 2000 while the average consultant wages  exceeds the 70 thousand so comparing wage to a simple fine. They must be double those fines in order to make much more  deterrent."

Medical errors don’t occur only on the kingdom, but according to a global statistics that reveal that this type of error is prevalent in all parts of the world. AS a Britain magazine specialized in medical matters that the number of dead as a result of these errors reached 10 thousand deaths. In the United States, bringing the number of dead because of these errors, annually, about 98 thousand, These numbers which caused panic among Americans. As this ratio is higher than the total number of dead by car accidents, aircraft and commit suicide, poisoning or drowning.

And for the Arab countries, and by some authorized numbers, more than 1120 lawsuit over medical errors was raised in Saudi Arabia, including 295 cases in 2005 which is enough to open a file of medical errors.
