Precautions for women to reduce heart attacks and strokes

It is known that women share a lot of factors that cause strokes and heart attack with men, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and obesity, but women have more factors like pregnancy, childbirth and hormonal changes during pregnancy and until pre-menopause. Women suffer from strokes and heart attacks more than men for the previous reasons in addition to that they live longer than men and they also go through periods of weak health care during pregnancy and lactation....

Stroke is what happens when there’s a closure in the blood vessels due to a clot or any other reason, such as high blood pressure, which prevents blood from reaching the brain, leading to cell death, Can you imagine that women suffering from deadly strokes or heart attacks are more than men by a very large number of 55 thousand women each year?!

We’ll provide you some rules and guidelines that will be very important for women, especially older ones, to protect them against deadly strokes. Although a stroke during pregnancy is very unlikely, it may be the first sign of heart disease in the future; this sign is high blood pressure.

Eclampsia and Pre-eclampsia is the state of having high blood pressure during pregnancy, in this state the danger of having a stroke in the future becomes two times more than normal, so you should be careful when dealing with birth control pills, especially in the prime of life, because they increase the danger.

Precautions against heart attacks and strokes for women:

1- Women who complain of migraines should take precautionary reserves for non-injury, most importantly to quit smoking.

2- Women who have suffered from high blood pressure before should use aspirin and calcium during the whole period of pregnancy.

3- Women who suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy should see a doctor frequently for careful blood pressure monitoring, consult your physician and take safe methyldopa and nifedipine drugs during pregnancy and the rest of blood pressure drugs are not to be taken during pregnancy.

4- Women should measure their blood pressure before taking pills.

5- Women over seventy should periodically do ECG to make sure their heart is working well.

6- The level of pressure should be measured periodically, sugar and cholesterol tests done, especially for obese women.

7- Knowledge of family disease history accurately for prevention.

8- The most important thing to protect against strokes is the food regime, as they should be adhering to a healthy food regime and stay away from eating fat and fast food.

These rules should be taken seriously because strokes’ risk is equal to that of breast cancer and should be taken seriously by women.
